Saturday, November 7, 2009

"Our Love Is God"

Here's to my favorite movie coupling Veronica Sawyer (Winona Ryder) and Jason Dean (Christian Slater) from my favorite movie the 1988 black comedy Heathers.  A new age Bonnie and Clyde, their romance is young, volatile, and of course very sexy.  

Dear Diary, my teen-angst bullshit now has a body count. -Veronica Sawyer

"Our love is god! Let's go get a slushy"- Jason Dean

Wanna go out tonight? Catch a movie? Miniature golf? (J.D.)
I was thinking more along the lines of slitting Heather Duke's wrists open, making it look like suicide. (Veronica Sawyer)

Suicide gave Heather depth, Kurt a soul, and Ram a brain. I don't know what it's given me, but I have no control over myself when I'm with J.D. Are we going to prom or to hell? " Veronica Sawyer

"Oh my god. I'll have to send my S.A.T scores to San Quentin instead of Standford."- Veronica Sawyer

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